
14 Mar 2022, 15:00
  • Milou
    Milou Dirkx is Journalism Network Manager at 做厙腦瞳app. She is the first point of contact for the members of the CLEW Journalism Network, and develops events and other opportunities for climate and energy reporters to engage.

Global reporting on new IPCC report: Securing a liveable and sustainable future for all

穢 Carel Mohn
In a report published by the IPCC two weeks ago, 270 scientists from 67 countries reviewed more than 34,000 articles to assess the effects of climate change, the vulnerability of socio-economic and natural systems and the options for adaptation. Their findings paint a bleak picture: the effects of climate change are appearing much faster than scientists anticipated and are more severe and prevalent. The report concludes that any further delay in global action on mitigation and adaptation "will miss a brief and rapidly closing window of opportunity to secure a liveable and sustainable future for all." Journalists play an instrumental role in communicating these findings to a wider audience. To better understand this report and its regional implications, we have asked our global network of climate journalists to share their coverage. Check out their work below in eight languages, sorted by region.

Reporting on Africa

By Albert Oppong-Ansah for Ghana News Agency [English]
"According to the report by the IPCCs Working Group II on climate change impacts, adaptation and vulnerability, agriculture production on the continent slowed by 34 per cent. Commenting on the Findings, Dr Shaibu Baanni Azumah, an Agriculture Economist, told the Ghana News Agency that climate change impacts, which had been aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic, were real in Ghana and the whole of Africa and had dire implications on food systems and the economies too. African leaders, he noted, had not prioritised measures to ameliorate the impact of climate vulnerability."

Reporting on Asia

By Vaishnavi Chandrashekhar for The Times of India [English]
"That gap is especially important for coastal cities in Asia,where large populations are at risk from increased flooding due to rising seas and storms, and will also bear the brunt of reduced fish catch in warming seas. Asia hosts 13 of the 20 largest coastal cities expected to have the highest flood losses by 2050, including Guanghou, Kolkata, Mumbai, Chennai, and Bangkok."

By Lou del Bello for her newsletter Lights On [English]
"The planet is already on track for a virtually unavoidable 1.5C of warming by the end of the century, which in Asia translates to threats ranging from glacier melt (and its ramifications for the hydrology of the entire Himalayan region) to an increase in the spread of vector- and water-borne diseases. More frequent and severe summer heatwaves will affect food production, also putting a strain on energy systems as more people crank up fans and air conditioners."

Reporting on Europe

UN climate scientists warn window for mitigation is closing - Reactions from Germany
By Kerstine Appunn and Paul Gordon for 做厙腦瞳app [English]
"German environment minister Steffi Lemke said that independence from fossil fuel imports and climate action are more urgent tasks than ever and that the government would seriously tackle climate change adaptation. Environmental NGOs called on G7 countries to accelerate the roll-out of renewable energies and abolish climate-damaging subsidies."

Up to 8,000 people may die every year in Spain due to extreme heat.
By Marta Montojo for EFE:Verde [Spanish]

"El n繳mero de personas que morir獺n anualmente por el calor extremo en Espa簽a pasar獺 de unas 1.500 a hasta 8.000 en 2050 si las emisiones se mantienen en niveles altos, seg繳n un estudio citado en el nuevo informe sobre impactos, adaptaci籀n y vulnerabilidad clim獺tica de la ONU."

The IPCC points to solutions for humanity
By Susanne Ehlerding for Tagesspiegel [German]

"Aus reiner N羹tzlichkeit gewinnen Sonnen- und Windenergie auf einmal den Stellenwert, den sie verdienen. Freiheitsenergien nannte sie Finanzminister Christian Lindner (FDP). Es folgten Stoseufzer der Erleichterung unter den Freunden der Erneuerbaren in den sozialen Netzwerken. Endlich, endlich war die Botschaft angekommen: dass uns die erneuerbaren Energien nicht nur vor Sch瓣den durch Klimagase bewahren, sondern auch unabh瓣ngig von Schurkenstaaten machen."

Reporting on the Mediterranean region

Fighting climate change has to deal with nationalism and conflict
By Elena Comelli for Il Sore 24 Ore [Italian]

"Il rapporto, basato su una sintesi di 34.000 articoli scientifici, si suddivide in analisi regionali e per la prima volta c'癡 un focus specifico sul Mediterraneo. 竄La regione mediterranea si 癡 riscaldata e continuer a riscaldarsi maggiormente della media globale, particolarmente in estate. Questo vale sia per l'ambiente terrestre che per quello marino, sia per le temperature medie che per le ondate di calore罈, spiega Piero Lionello, professore all'universit del Salento ed esperto del Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici, fra gli autori principali del rapporto."

IPCC: time window to stop climate change is closing
By Rudi Bressa for le Scienze [Italian] behind a paywall
"La nuova pubblicazionedell'Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change parla chiaro. Il cambiamento climatico sta gi colpendo la societ e i sistemi naturali e agricoli, e il Mediterraneo 癡 tra le aree pi羅 esposte."

IPCC: Agricultural productivity in the Mediterranean region could fall by 17%.
By Marta Montojo for EFE:Verde [Spanish]

"El documento prev矇 una reducci籀n de las aportaciones h穩dricas en la cuenca Mediterr獺nea de entre un 4 y un 8 %, un riesgo que ser獺 inevitable con acciones o sin ellas, asevera en rueda de prensa Jofre Carnicer, uno de los 270 autores del informe -cient穩ficos de 67 pa穩ses diferentes- y especialista en impactos clim獺ticos en el Mediterr獺neo."

Reporting on Latin America

By Ferm穩n Koop for Di獺logo Chino [English, you can find the Portuguese version and the Spanish version ]
"Extreme precipitation events, which result in floods, landslides and droughts, are projected to intensify in magnitude and frequency due to climate change. A 1.5C increase would result in an increase of up to 200% in the populations affected by floods in Colombia, Brazil and Argentina, 300% in Ecuador and 400% in Peru."

IPCC expert: "Every delay closes the window of opportunity to ensure a liveable world a little more".
By Marta Montojo for EFE:Verde [Spanish]

"Am矇rica Latina es una de las regiones m獺s vulnerables a esos riesgos, seg繳n el informe, no solo por su exposici籀n a los impactos -con un alto nivel de crecimiento urbano informal y una poblaci籀n muy concentrada en la costa, entre otros muchos factores- sino tambi矇n por la mayor dificultad que encuentra para adaptarse y paliar los da簽os."

Latin American indigenous knowledge favours adaptation to climate change
By Marta Montojo for EFE:Verde [Spanish]
"Los programas basados en los saberes ind穩genas han ayudado a impulsar la adaptaci籀n transformadora frente a la crisis clim獺tica en Latinoam矇rica, un continente altamente expuesto, vulnerable y fuertemente impactado por los efectos del calentamiento."

New Climate Change report warns of more floods, droughts and disease in Argentina
By Marina Aizen for elDiarioAR; recommended by Emilio Godoy, CLEWs LATAM ambassador [Spanish]

"Am矇rica latina ya es testigo de impactos irreversibles del cambio clim獺tico. Uno de ellos, es la extinci籀n de la rana dorada de los bosques nubosos de Costa Rica. La especie no se ha visto desde los a簽os 90, cuando un evento de sequ穩a termin籀 con las 繳ltimas poblaciones. Esto es solo una advertencia sobre lo que puede pasar con otras formas de vida, de la que dependemos, aunque encerrados en grandes urbes, no nos demos cuenta."

Reporting on the global context

By Catherine Early for China Dialogue [English, find the Chinese translation ]
"The IPCC warns that options for adaptation narrow and could become impossible as the world becomes warmer. There is a rapidly narrowing window of opportunity for some regions and sub-regions if temperature rise exceeds 2C, particularly for areas where climate impacts and risks are already advanced, including low-lying coastal cities, small islands, deserts, mountains and polar regions. High levels of poverty, water, food and energy insecurity, vulnerable urban environments, degraded ecosystems, and rural environments further inhibit the chances."

By Catherine Early for the Global Government Forum [English]
"Agriculture, fisheries, forestry, tourism and labour productivity of outdoor workers are all being affected, reducing short-term economic growth. Extreme weather and associated food insecurity are already driving people from their homes, and worsening conflict in some cases, and diseases are becoming more common and are spreading into new areas, the report added. The IPCC is clear that time is running out. Any further delay in concerted global action will miss a brief and rapidly closing window to secure a liveable future, it said."

By Catherine Early for Your Weather [English]
"However, the ability of countries to adapt, especially in the poorest regions, is constrained by a lack of finance. G20 countries have failed to provide the $US100 billion they promised to help developing nations deal with climate change. The finance is meant to go towards projects to cut emissions and those designed to improve resilience to extreme weather, but 75% goes to emissions reduction, the report states."

By Heather Moore for Deutsche Welle [English]
"Yet the report is also optimistic that the transformational societal change necessary to combat climate catastrophe is possible. Until now, contemporary solutions to the ecological crisis have not sought to rethink the over-consumption models in which economic growthis a primary driver. And that is problematic considering the established systems of production and consumption are the reason there is a climate crisis in the first place."

By Matt Simon for WIRED; recommended by Eric Niiler, one of CLEWs U.S. ambassadors [English]
"But while the world is changing fast, if theres a silver lining to the report, its that cities can change fast, too. It's been understood for a long time that climate risks don't just depend on how much climate change we getthey also depend on how vulnerable society is, says Brian ONeill, a coordinating lead author of the report and director of the Joint Global Change Research Institute, a partnership between the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and the University of Maryland. Rapidly growing urban areas can be designed to protect residents from a warmer world, and to make sure disadvantaged groups arent left out. Cities don't have to be victims of climate change. They can become the crucibles that forge resilience against it."

Experts present guide to mitigate climate disaster
By Arturo Contreras for Pie de P獺gina [Spanish]
"Globalmente la poblaci籀n urbana ha crecido en m獺s de 397 millones de personas entre 2015 y 2020 (lo equivalente a 21 veces la poblaci籀n de la megal籀polis del Valle de M矇xico). M獺s del 90 por ciento de este crecimiento se ha dado en las regiones con menor grado de desarrollo, creando asentamientos informales y sin planeaci籀n, que son los m獺s propensos a sufrir los nuevos embates clim獺ticos."

It is not too late to act on the climate crisis. "There is a glimmer of hope".
By Arturo Contreras for Pie de P獺gina [Spanish]
"Ciertamente (el informe) es alarmante. Dice con seguridad Debora Ley en una entrevista por videollamada. La parte de la que hablamos nosotros como autores de que no todo es gloom and doom (fatal y pesimista) es que hay una ventana, muy peque簽a, de que todav穩a podemos tomar opciones. "

Nearly half of the world's population is "highly vulnerable" to climate change that has already caused widespread damage.
By Manuel Planelles for El Pa穩s; recommended by Emilio Godoy, CLEWs LATAM ambassador [Spanish]

"Pero este estudio no es solo un recuento de los da簽os producidos ya, tambi矇n plantea escenarios de futuro en funci籀n del nivel de calentamiento al que se llegue, algo que todav穩a est獺 en manos del ser humano. Las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero expulsadas por el hombre desde la Revoluci籀n Industrial, cuando comienza el uso masivo de combustibles f籀siles, han llevado ya hasta un calentamiento medio de 1,1 grados respecto a los niveles preindustriales. Y el planeta se encamina en el corto plazo hacia los 1,5. Cada d矇cima de grado de aumento incrementa los impactos, apunta Jos矇 Manuel Moreno, catedr獺tico de Ecolog穩a y otro de los autores que han participado en el informe. Por ejemplo, el IPCC advierte de que a medida que la Tierra se calienta, la disponibilidad de agua dulce se reduce; si se llegase hasta los 4 grados, esa p矇rdida de agua se multiplicar穩a por dos. Algo parecido ocurre con los da簽os generados por las inundaciones: los impactos debidos a ese fen籀meno extremo se multiplicar獺n hasta por 3,9 veces si el calentamiento llega hasta los 3 grados respecto a lo que ocurrir穩a en un escenario de 1,5 grados."

Nearly half of all terrestrial species could become extinct due to climate change
By Marta Montojo for EFE:Verde [Spanish]

"El IPCC tambi矇n resalta la desigualdad en cuanto a capacidad de resistir los efectos del cambio clim獺tico e indica, por ejemplo, que entre 2010-2020, 竄la mortalidad humana por inundaciones, sequ穩as y tormentas fue 15 veces mayor en las regiones altamente vulnerables, en comparaci籀n con las regiones de muy baja vulnerabilidad罈."

UN scientists: climate change threatens the lives of billions of people
By Gianluca Di Donfrancesco for Il Sore 24 Ore [Italian]

"Il panel Ipcc lancia lallarme sullaumento delle temperature causato dalluomo: effetti irreversibili. Guterres: 竄Criminale il ritardo dei leader mondiali罈"

New IPCC report: Adaptation is not keeping pace with climate impacts
By Emanuele Bampon for Renewable Matter [Italian]
"Questo rapporto sottolinea linterdipendenza tra clima e societ, legando con a doppio nodo le scienze climatiche, a quelle sociale ed economiche, lancia lallarme Serena Giacomin, presidente di Italian Climate Network, che d una chiara interpretazione del report."

The removal of climate
By Daniele Passeri for il manifesto [Italian] Behind a paywall
"竄Servono urgenti e radicali investimenti per opere di adattamento, di pari passo agli interventi sul fronte della mitigazione. Ogni ritardo significa morte, soprattutto nei paesi pi羅 fragili. Sono i paesi del G20 a dover indicare la strada罈, ha (Il segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite Ant籀nio Guterres) detto ieri intervenendo alla presentazione del Rapporto."

The window of opportunity for a future worth living despite the climate crisis is closing
By Susanne Ehlerding for Tagesspiegel [German]

"In den Staaten, die als globale Hotspots f羹r ein hohes Risiko identifiziert wurden, leben 3,3 bis 3,6 Milliarden Menschen, sagte der koordinierende Leitautor f羹r das Kapitel Armut, Existenzgrundlagen und nachhaltige Entwicklung, J繹rn Birkmann.. Gar nicht verwundbar seien nur etwa halb so viele Menschen."

The IPCC sketches a bleak future
By Val矇ry Laram矇e de Tannenberg fo
r L'Usine Ges [French] Behind a paywall
"Loccasion de rappeler que nos 矇missions croissantes de gaz eVet de serre (Ges) ont fait grimper la temp矇rature moyenne globale de +1,1 簞C par rapport celle mesur矇e la Sn du XIX si癡cle. Un ph矇nom癡ne extr礙mement rapide. Durant la derni癡re p矇riode interglaciaire, pareil r矇chauVement ne sop矇rait qu l矇chelle du mill矇naire !"

The IPCC report sends an alarming message about the climate crisis: the window of opportunity for a remedy is closing - humanity's current way of life is under threat
By Helsingin Sanomat; recommended by Helena Raunio, CLEW's Scandinavian ambassador [Finnish]
"Konkreettisten toimien lis瓣ksi kest瓣v瓣 yhteiskunta vaatii raportin mukaan kulttuurista muutosta: uudenlaisten perusarvojen, maailmankuvan ja ideologioiden omaksumista ja sosiaalisten, poliittisten ja taloudellisten j瓣rjestelmien panemista uusiksi. Siihen puolestaan tarvitaan suomalaisille tuttuja peruspilareita: universaalia terveydenhuoltoa, sosiaaliturvaa ja koulutusta."

Atlas of human suffering
By Andreja Kutin for Veer; recommended by Simona Drevensek, CLEWs Eastern European ambassador [Slovenian]
"Hoesung Lee, predsednik IPCC, je jasen: "Tveganja za na禳 planet 禳e niso bila veja. Podnebne spremembe so grob na禳ega zdravega planeta in poka鱉ejo tudi, kako se narava odziva in kdo je najbolj izpostavljen." Med slednjimi so predvsem mesta, kjer bo po napovedih kmalu 鱉ivela ve kot polovica love禳tva."

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