
Our users

Who are our users

Experienced energy and climate journalists from across the globe as well as international professionals from the energy sector, analysts and NGOs rely on °µÍø¸£Àûapp CLEW.

More than 5,750 subscribers have signed up for a CLEW newsletter, some 2,750 of them get the daily briefing. Over 4,000 have opted for the weekly overview, which includes our from the EU, France, Italy, Poland, Croatia and Germany with the most relevant energy and climate developments. Together with CLEW's sister project , the 2050 Media Project gGmbH reaches over 13,000 newsletter subscribers.

Our user survey showed that the journalists who use our website are experienced professionals from all types of media, mostly focusing on energy and climate topics.

Our other users work for a wide range of employers, from companies and business associations to NGOs and government agencies. Their main interests are energy, climate and sustainability topics.

Our website gets about 135,000 users a month (Q1/2024) from all over the world, with visitors from the United States, Germany and the United Kingdom accounting for the largest share.

Some 450 journalists have signed up to our growing CLEW Journalism Network, seeking opportunities to exchange ideas and information with colleagues or to team up for joint projects. Each year, some 200 journalists participate in our various on- and off-line workshops, and our team supports around 100 international colleagues in their research for articles directly with contacts and up-to-date material.

Journalism for the energy transition

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